Thursday, 21 June 2007

1/2 way through the contest

AnneM has reminded us today that we are half way through the contest of sewing 10 co-ordinating wardrobe items.

So far I have sewn 2 pairs pants, 3 tops and 1 bolero jacket - so 6 items out of the 10.

I also have another pair of pants partly completed so the date looks quite achievable.

I still have not decided quite what to count as my 'accessory' item, either the bolero jacket or maybe sew a tote bag (although I have lost the pattern)

So still to sew as a minimum are
  • partly completed pants (to match bolero jacket)
  • dress
  • stripe shirting top
  • plus one more item either the khaki tote bag or another top
once those are done I may sew some other co-ordinating items or go off and sew somthing else completely different!

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