Sunday, 13 May 2007

Final fabric choices

OK, had a long hard look and decided.....

to drop the khaki stripe, the dark khaki pants/skirt/jacket and the teal/khaki knit for now (maybe a Wardrobe Competition part 2??).

That leaves me with
the light khaki/coral weave for a jacket,
the light khaki pants,
the darker khaki pants (made up already)
and a medium khaki gaberdine skirt and pants

and then tops as follows
cream/coral knit (completed)
coral crinkle top
coral blouse
red coral knit (maybe a twinset?)
lampshade print blouse
cream eyelet blouse
& maybe white/khaki check blouse - this could also go into part 2

On consideration I am happy with all of that as it actually looks like it should all go together.

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